Reforesting mitigates soil impaction creating better water storage in the ground and helps reduce runoff.


  • Selecting your tree

    What is the purpose of my tree…wildlife, fruit bearing or shade? Does the tree have room to grow? How large will be tree be at maturity? How fast will the tree grow? How much daylight does the tree demand? How much water does the tree need? Are wet or dry soils needed?

  • Planting your Tree

    Dig a hole wider than he container and approximately the same depth as bag or container. Cut the bag from top to bottom and peel away from the roots. Sometimes the roots grow into the fabric which may require some force to pull apart. Remove the bag from the roots leaving all possible soil on the roots. Some of the roots may need to be pruned to remove the bag.

    This is critical and a common error. Don’t plant the tree too deep. You want the tree to be at a depth where the root meets the trunk and is level with the ground. (Putting a yardstick across the hole will show you if the tree is too deep or shallow.)

    Backfill with dirt. Make sure the soil you put back in the hole is fine and not large clods. Again, don’t put too much dirt too far up on the trunk. Dirt should just cover the roots.

    Water after planting, and every few days if it hasn’t rained. Don’t let the tree get to dry, especially the first summer.

  • Caring for your tree

    Avoid hitting your tree using the mower or weed trimmer too close to the trunk.

    When using mulch, leave a small space on the ground between the tree and the mulch. Don’t mulch high around the trunk like a volcano.

  • About you

    So what about your land/yard? How does a native Kentucky landscape look for your land, regardless of size--suburban/urban lot or a 5000 acre parcel. Your journey could begin as simply as sowing some milkweed seeds (host plants for Monarch butterflies), in a raised bed or you could plant native trees and never mow again. More than likely your process will evolve just as ours has. Pollinators will begin seeking out your native plants, as will birds and other wildlife. Your land will soon be a place of refuge to be shared with nature. There will be so much to observe and see without leaving your yard.